Wednesday, December 24, 2008

AND MORE!!!! Hahahaha

And More!!!!

I am just going to upload pics! No reading! Hahahahaha!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Year End Pics Because I STINK At This!

So I have told ALL of you over and over taht I STINK at this but, I just thought I would catch you up on EVERYTHING that I thought was sweet and that you would like to see!

Have a very Merry and Blessed Christmas!


The Wilde BunchAngie, Aron, Hunter Trinity, Cameron, "Jacob Gaven"(hahahaha) and Brookelyn

Friday, December 19, 2008

A VERY Sad Day...

Wow! What a day. For some of you, the news that the remains found in Florida are in fact those of little Caylee Anthony is just that. For me, it was almost like losing a family member or child of my own.

For 6 long months now, I have religiously followed Nancy Grace and her amazing determination and love to continue the search for this little baby. Have I missed an episode since we first learned of this missing child? NOT A CHANCE. Some nights, I was known to have watched the same episode at 8, 10, 1 and yes, 3am. Yep! While making pettis, I watched every detail of this tragedy unfold.

I am not sure if what caused the obsession was that I am a mommy of 5 with my youngest daughter being very close in age or, if it was my admiration of someone like Nancy Grace having so much love for a baby that she never even knew. What an amazing little mommy Nancy Grace is. The larger part of me believes that the wonderful love for her babies and their miraculous story of survival is what kept her pursuing this case. Thank GOD she did.

It may seem silly to some of you that I am even writing about this but to those of you who did follow this as close as I did, it's a SAD, sad day for so many of us. I guess that I am just asking all of you for prayer as this family and parts of the world begin closure to this tragic story. I will not go into my opinions of what happened to this baby however I can only pray that justice will be SERVED to the ONE who caused all of this. NO CHILD deserves to be thrown out the window like they were last weeks cup of McDonald's coffee that keeps rolling under your feet because you were just to lazy to pick it up.

With all of this being said, while you all are putting little Caylee in your prayers, I ask that you pray for not only George and Cindy but, the rest of us who have been deeply affected by this little angel's loss.

To the Orlando PD, the FBI crime Lab, Leonard Padilla, Tim Miller, Equua Search, the THOUSANDS of you who help look for this baby, those of you who spent your last 8 days on your hands and knees sifting through everything to complete this little body so that ALL of her may rest in peace now, everyone involved in helping and MOST OF ALL Nancy Grace who if it weren't for, this little baby would have NEVER gotten the proper burial and rest that she will now, GOD BLESS ALL OF YOU! You are amazing people who so generously put your lives on hold so that the day would come where this baby can now spread her wings and fly. I am SURE all of you have a new Angel that will be looking over all of you.
GOD Bless you all and Merry Christmas

As for Nancy Grace, you are TRULY a blessing from GOD to that Anthony family. I am not sure if anyone would ever take the time to say it but YOU have been that baby's Angel for the last 6 months. You have looked over her and her best interest and made it a point to make it the forefront of what's on ALL of our minds. Your little Lucy and John David have NO IDEA what an amazing mommy that they have. Thank GOD for people like you!

Angela Wilde
Miss Thing's Boutique
Atlanta, GA

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

All Shopped Out And Still Don't Have That PERFECT GIFT? WHY NOT GIVE THEM A
You may have missed our Christmas Deadline for a pettiskirt but, that doesn't mean they can't still have one!

Thursday, November 27, 2008


Are you REALLY out shopping in all of that when you can get 25% off here? SURPRISE! From 12:01 am tonight until 11:59pm 11/28/08, you can get 25% off of your order! Just enter the coupon code BLACK 08!
(This offer does NOT apply to drop shippers or wholesalers.)

Thursday, November 20, 2008

So Much For The House!

So..... Last night Aron and I had this misunderstanding. See, I thought that he had brought Brookelyn downstairs and he thought that I had brought Brookelyn down. A while later, I was SO OVER the headache that I had that I gave in to finding some Advil. As I got into the kitchen, a small little scratching noise caught me extremely off guard. As I walked around the the island and past the wine cooler, there it was.... The little RAT that ruined ALL of the hard work in our "house!" PLEASE, watch below! Nice, huh?

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Does Anybody Know What Time It Is...

That's Right!

Time To Start Your CHRISTMAS Shopping-Aaaaarrrrggghhhhhh!!!

Be sure to check out our new Christmas Pettis. We do not have out Christmas Tutus and Tutu Dresses up yet but, that gives you all the more reason to keep checking back!

Hint... I LIKE comments on my skirts. They usually get you rewards??????!!!!!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Miss Thing's Boutique Supports Her Troops!

Hey Guys!
I just wanted to remind you that Miss Thing's Boutiuqe Supports her Troops! In honor of 9/111, we would like to remind you that we offer 15% off of any skirt made in camo or red/white/blue!

Be SURE to take advantage of this GREAT offer!
Love you guys,

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

A Need For Prayer

Hey Guys!

As promised, I would like to run this blog and ask for all of your prayers for this dear friend of our family.
You all know that I have said that ANY time you are wanting to start a prayer chain, I am MORE THAN WILLING to run it here. Prayer is power and all of you, my amazing customers, family, friends have the ability to generate prayer from people that Sheila could NEVER reach. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this and for your prayers!
I love allof you guys!
Angie Wilde
Miss Thing's Boutique

*******************SHEILA'S PRAYER REQUEST****************************
I’m tired. I’m overwhelmed. I need your prayers. I’m in disbelief. I just found out tonight, that my recent CT scan has a new spot on it. Where my ovaries once were. My CA-125 was 5 in Feb, 10 in June, 15 in July. Still way below normal, of 35 & below, but on the increase. These 2 factors has led my doctor to believe that I am having a recurrence. The spot is 1-1/2 inches. I called my original doctor, Dr. Moller, in NM. She has suggested a PET scan(full body scan) to determine if there are sprinkles elsewhere, or just this one spot. One spot would be good. It would involve surgery to remove it. We’d want to do this quickly, not giving the cancer(if it is) a chance to grow. As I said, I’m just tired right now. I really believed God was using my story to help others to believe that He does miracles. I thought I would be cancer free the rest of my life. And I could be. This could all be just a fluke. You hear of stories, where there is a spot, but they go in, and nothing is there. So, now I’m asking you to pray that I am cancer free. And that you join me in believing I am still a miracle, still cancer free. Pray for me to have peace and wisdom. For the insurance to pay for a PET scan. I will keep you posted over the next week or so, of what the next step is. I am getting the results of my latest CA-125 on Friday. Thank you for your prayers. I really don’t know what or how to pray right now. But I just wanted us to make a loud noise to God, asking for continued healing in my body. It’s been three years, since my original diagnosis. It’s also just a reminder of how short & precious life is. And that every chance you get, hug, kiss, touch, and love someone in your life. It’s about people, not about things and places and doing. Please ask others you know to pray that I am cancer free, and this spot is nothing but a weird spot. I don’t know what the next step is, when it is, but I know that I will step into this future with God holding me in His arms. Love, Sheila

Friday, August 29, 2008

4 Down, ONE TO GO!!!!

Ok so...

Mommy and Daddy's baby started Pre-K last week. To my surprise, Gaven handled it like a BIG BOY! I was a wuss and cried (for a minute) but, Gaven was GREAT!
Mommy and Daddy BOTH took him to school for his 1st BIG day! He was more excited that Daddy was there than me but is that really a HUGE surprise? So much for those stretch marks. Daddy's KING and Mommy just incubated me. Hahahahah
I wouldn't have it ANY other way though!
Yes, there are 10 million pics. NO, there are NONE of me with Gaven; just "me and Daddy!"
YES!!!!!! HE PICKED OUT HIS OWN CLOTHES! (Thanks for the help on that one Daddy!)

YES! That is his class. Yes, that is the huge monitor they had out front to watch him on!

YES! It did take me 10 minutes to walk away from that damn screen.
AND YES! It's ok that I cried and then CELEBRATED when I got home to ONLY ONE OUT OF FIVE CHILDREN FOR THE DAY!
How does it go? Hallelujah...... Hallelujah, Hallelujah!!!!
So, enough rambling, here are the precious pics of our not so, "BABY" boy "Jacob Gaven Wilde!"

In case Gaven forgets to tell you like 10 thousand times...
His teacher's name is Ms. Tasha, his friends are Blake and Scotty, NO THERE ARE NO HOT GIRLS IN HIS CLASS, he does NOT have a girlfriend, his teacher thinks he should only come 2 days a week because he is "REALLY SMART, and will get bored," maw-maw and paw-paw are going to eat lunch with him each tomorrow there is (???) and he can't wait to go to school next week to show Ms. Tasha his NEW FREAKING SKETCHERS!!! Hope you enjoyed this "story" as much as we have 10 zillion freaking times!
Love you guys!
Angie & Aron